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Client Portal

The Client Portal enables your client to make payment, complete forms, upload documents and more!

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

The Client Portal is a simple yet powerful tool that gives your clients direct access to their case records and enables seamless communication.

Benefits of Client Portal

  1. Reduces Back-and-Forth Emails:
    The Client Portal uses workflows to communicate the stages of the client's application, reducing the need for unnecessary emails. You may also use our private chat feature to send messages to clients.

  2. Seamless Billing:
    Your clients can access their invoices and make payments, minimizing back-and-forth communications.

  3. Easy Document Management:
    Collect documents from your clients through the Client Portal using our Document Checklists, ensuring they upload the correct documents as per IRCC/Government requirements.

Client Portal Access

Your clients may gain access to the portal in the following ways:

  1. Direct invitation

    • Navigate to your clients case, click the Case Options button and click Send Invite

  2. Self-onboarding

    • Clients may self-onboard to the Client Portal if you have provided them with your Client Portal login link or have integrated the login link to your website.

      If you do not want self-onboard enabled, please reach out to us and we'll remove this option from your portal.

💡 Your clients can generate their own secure login link by providing their registered email or using the credentials you sent them.

There is no need for you to constantly send login details; clients can manage this on their own via the Login Page.

Want to learn more about the Client Portal features? Click below for details.

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